5 Questions with Fringe Artist David K. Jones (What’s Up With That, Bro? Podcast)

Whatʻs Up with That, Bro?- David K. Jones

Fringe 5 Questions by Carlynn Wolfe

Who is going to get Jorge Garcia to sit in?

The fans are! Tweet him @JorgeGarcia

What is a LOST fan called? A Lostie?

They're called "People That Should Be Listening To Our Podcast" or "PTSBLTOPs"

Where do you usually broadcast from?

We broadcast from Someplace Classy, the secret headquarters of Think Fast Improv. We made a bunch of videos about it here.

When did the podcast start ?

We started the podcast in December, we wanted to make sure a good 6 and a half years had passed since the show was relevant.

Why is this necessary?

Chad's journey through this show will unlike anything that anyone else has experienced before and we all need to witness it. Watching a show backwards is hard enough, but for a show as bonkers as LOST is really the most interesting thing you can do for an hour each week. We've really been able to deconstruct how storytelling (and smoke monsters) work.

Bonus – How will this make me feel? Like Chad, I’m one of the few people on the planet who have not seen the show.

It'll make you a little confused, a little frustrated, but mostly it'll make you want to watch LOST and become a PTSBLTOP


5 Questions with Fringe Artist Aaron Pughes of Think Fast Improv


5 Questions with Fringe Artist Lola Love (IngeNude)