Fringe 2015 Thank You
February was a busy month in Chinatown Honolulu but you all made a huge effort to be part of Fringe 2015. To our amazing artists, simply awesome. To our audience, simply adventurous. To our venues, simply fantastic. To our indiegogo supporters, simply dedicated. To our sponsors, simply the best. To our volunteers, simply committed. To all our ‘ohana, thank you. To our Fringe team, simply inspiring. Fringe could not be a success without your support.
Putting on the Fringe in Honolulu has been a labour of love because the arts is important to our community. The many hours of volunteering to get this up and running has been well worth the effort, especially when everything comes together with amazing support from so many. O’ahu Fringe Festival has touched base and networked with Fringe communities all over the world and to see Fringe in our community is truly a blessing. Fringe is grateful for the support. Thank you for joining us.
If you missed out on seeing the acts, please visit Fringe 2015 season to learn more about their show.
Thank you!