Where Are They Now? - Marcia Mager

Your Name/Company: M. Zina Mager
Fringe Show you were in: WHO THE BLEEP AM I?
Year of Show: 2012.
Your role: Writer & Performer.

Please tell us a bit about your background and/or company you performed with at the Fringe?
Been an international author, journalist, who discovered performing about 9 years ago thanks to the encouragement of Alan Arkin and studying improv with him in Hawai’i. Then went on to study with Mick Pulver, from Breakthrough Performance in California– and that launched my performance passion.

What inspires you on a personal as well as on an artistic level?
My deep belief that we are all here to say something, to express something, to celebrate our life!

Has the show you were in been taken to another Fringe or to another performing arts festival? Or what has happened to the show you were in?
Right now WHO THE BLEEP AM I? is taking a rest…

Where are you now with your performance career?
Writing and performing, at times, original slam poetry.

What project(s) are you developing right now?
Collaborating on a Broadway-style musical!!!!

When and where can we see you perform?
At this point, YouTube!

What survival tips can you give to emerging as well as seasoned artists working in Hawai’i?
I go by what Winston Churchill once said, “Never ever ever ever ever give up!”

What resources can you recommend to look into for funding or to support each others work?
Friends, family, Craigslist!

How can people contact you for professional work or to collaborate with you on creating an amazing show?
My email is mzina@hawaii.rr.com

Finally, if you were given a magic bag what three items would you like to pull out to create your ideal show with? How would you use those items? And what name will you give your show?
Interestingly, the musical I’m working on is magical in and of itself – already has a title but it’s a secret – and I would simply pull out a big golden jug of inspiration (and patience); a sweet angel whose job it is to remind me daily that “it’s the journey and NOT the destination”, and lastly, and an endless supply of gratitude!


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Where Are They Now? - Gwen Arbaugh